A Home for Sick Children

Months ago the people who run the shelter for chronically ill children, the San Judas Tadeo Foundation in Mexico City, asked me to help them by making an audio-slide show to help them raise money to keep their shelter working. The current economical crisis has affected donations and they're having a hard time paying their bills.

Here I'm sharing the audio-slide show that I made for them for free. It's my donation to their cause. It is not a journalistic piece but has instead a commercial purpose to help them find donors.

You can watch it here: http://www.chicosanchez.com/alberguesanjudastadeo
(Photo ©Chico Sanchez-All Rights Reserved)
In the past two years I've made two journalistic audio-slide shows about this shelter. If you want to see them here are the adresses:

Alondra's story: http://www.chicosanchez.com/ahomeforsickchildren
Citlali's story: http://www.chicosanchez.com/citlali